Friendly bets made between friends in the Greater Puget Sound. May we raise our glasses in honor of the bets made and the friends played.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Hutton House Selling...

On January 13th, Chris and Melinda placed their house for sale. They originally bought the house for $210,000 on April 17th, 2003. A second loan of $27,000 was taken out on the house on May 18th of 2004. The house is listed for $279,950 and boasts a 1/4 acre lot, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, and 2 fireplaces.

BET: Will Chris and Melinda sell their homes in under or over 45 days? Alex takes the over, Jesse takes the under. Loser covers the next buy-in of a poker game and has to go all-in after a half-hour of play (to be timed) for three plays in a row or until the bet is called.